Santiago Carbonell

Obra Grafica


Santiago Carbonell | Bio

During his youth he lived in Ecuador, Spain, the United States and Italy and later came to Mexico in 1986.

He has participated in various solo and group exhibitions in Mexico, France, England, the United States, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Belgium, Ecuador and Spain. Some of the prizes he has obtained are: 1982, from the Catalan American Institute for Cooperation and in 1980 the Reina Sofía Fine Arts Grant.

In 2009/2010 he made the mural commemorating the bicentennial of the Independence of Mexico and the centennial of the Mexican Revolution in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.

In 2014, the Santiago Carbonell Foundation Museum was inaugurated in Querétaro. It has more than 20 publications. 

He started painting at 6 years old. His iron discipline, tenacious study and refined self-taught talent, has led him to travel the world, surprising the viewer with a personal perception of the painting. He is an outstanding representative of the hyperrealist trend, although - as he himself declares - his aesthetic is not based on reproducing what reality or photography represent, but on inventing from them.

“My work is based on direct observation of reality. When you see a work of mine, no matter how realistic it is, you can never confuse it with a photographic image. The painting is latent. I am a painter of reflection, more evolutionary than revolutionary, more rational and more scientific. Everything is calculated, very well thought out. ”


2011 “De la belleza al desencanto”, Complejo Cultural Universitario de la Benemérita, Universidad

Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, México.

2010 “De la belleza al desencanto”, Museo de Bellas Artes de Toluca, Edo. De México, México.

2010 “De la belleza al desencanto”, Museo de Arte de Querétaro, Qro. México.

2010 Mural conmemorativo del Bicentenario de la Independencia de México y Centenario de la

Revolución Mexicana, Suprema Corte de la Justicia de la Nación, México D.F., México.

2009 Museo Metropolitano de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2008 Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Celaya Gto. México

2007 Museo Jardín Borda, Cuernavaca Mor. México

2006 Gerald Peters Gallery, Dallas Texas E.U.A

2005 Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes Ags. México.

Museo regional de Querétaro, Querétaro Qro. México.

2003 Art.Miami, FL, USA

Museo Metropolitano de Monterrey Nuevo León, México.

Galería Universitaria Arte Contemporáneo, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México.

Centro cultural Universitario, Universidad de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia Mich. México.

Alfredo Ginocchio – arte internacional, México, D.F., México

2002 Casa de la cultura, San Luís Potosí SLP, México.

Museo del Pueblo, Guanajuato, Gto, México.

2001 Museo de Arte de Querétaro, Colección privada, Sala Permanente.

2000 FIAC, Caracas, Venezuela, Praxis, Lima, Perú.

1999 Miami International Art Exhibition'99, Miami, Fl., E.U.A.

1998 Alfredo Ginocchio – arte internacional, México, D.F., México.

Palm Beach International Art Fair'98, Miami, Fl., E.U.A.

Feria Iberoamericana de Arte, Caracas, Venezuela.

1997 Praxis Int.Art, NuevaYork, E.U.A.

Miami International Art Exhibition'97, Miami Fl., E.U.A.

Feria Iberoamericana de Arte, Caracas, Venezuela.

1996 Galena Universitaria de Arte Contemporáneo, Querétaro, México.

Miami International Art Exhibition'96, Miami, Fl., E.U.A.

1995 Praxis Arte Int., Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Casa Lamm, México, D.F., México.

1994 Museo de la Ciudad de León, México.

Latin American Art Fair, Bruselas, Bélgica.

ARAFI94, Miami, Fl., E.U.A.

Miami International Art Exhibition'94, Miami, Fl., E.U.A.

1993 Miami International Art Exhibition'93, Miami, Fl., E.U.A.

1992 Alfredo Ginocchio – arte internacional, México, D.E, México.

Museo de Arte Moderno, Querétaro, México.

Miami International Art Exhibition'92, Miami, Fl., E.U.A.

1988 Galena Misrachi, México, D.F., México.

1986 DuLoseRein Galleries, Houston, TX. E.U.A.

1985 Galena SosaNesle, Quito, Ecuador.

Centro Español, Quito, Ecuador.


2010 Pinta Londres, Londres, Inglaterra

Miami, Fl, EUA.

Pinta NY, New York, EUA.

2009 Arteamericas, Miami, Fl., EUA.

FIA, Caracas, Venezuela

1998 Galería Universitaria de Arte Contemporáneo, Querétaro, México.

Miami International Art Exhibition'98, Miami, Fl., E.U.A.

1997 Salón Bancomer, México, D.F., México.

Museo de Monterrey, México.

Amot Museum, NuevaYork E.U.A.

Feria Iberoamericana de Arte'97, Caracas, Venezuela.

1996 Salón Bancomer, México, D.F., México.

1995 Miami International Art Exhibition'95, Miami, Fl., E.U.A.

1994 Texas Art Fair, Dallas TX. E.U.A.

1993 Alfredo Ginocchio – arte internacional, México, D.F, México.

1992 Alfredo Ginocchio – arte internacional, México, D.F., México.

1991 Alfredo Ginocchio – arte internacional, México, D.F., México.

Galena Qualli, México, D.F, México.

1990 Museo de Arte Moderno, Querétaro, México.

1989 Alfredo Ginocchio – arte internacional, México, D.F, México.

1987 Galeria Misrachi, México, D.F, México.

1986 Quinta Bienal Iberoamericana de Pintura, México, D.F, México.

Bienal Internacional del Grabado, Lima, Perú.

Dubois-Rein Galleries, Houston, TX. E.U.A.

1985 Colectiva La Caixa, Barcelona, España.

Galeria Manzana Verde, Guayaquil, Ecuador

1983 Colectiva, Galena Colegio de Arquitectos, Quito, Ecuador.


1998 Sotheby’s New York, USA

1995 Sotheby’s New York, USA

1993 Sotheby’s New York, USA.

López Morton, Subasta, D.F. México


1982 Instituto Catalán Americano de Cooperación

1980 Beca Reyna de Sofía DE Bellas Artes

Jurado Invitado

1999 Bienal de Arte Del Noreste, Culiacán Sin. México

1997 Bienal Centro Americana de Arte, Guatemala

1995 Premio Arte Joven, Querétaro Qro., México.

1992 Bienal de Grabado, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Museo de Arte de Querétaro Querétaro Qro. México.

Museo de Arte de Celaya Celaya Gto. México.

Museo de Arte de León León Gto. México

Museo de Monterrey Monterrey N.L. México